This is how hackers can hijack cell phone towers!

Attackers Hijack Cellular Phone Towers Thanks To Critical Flaws

You and I are terrified of somebody hacking our smartphones and stealing valuable recommendation, but what happens in addition to hackers hijack a amalgamated cellular network by hacking into cellphone towers? No, this is not an blank threat because, security researchers from the mobile security omnipotent, Zimperium have discovered three gigantic security flaws in BTS stations which can make public potential hacker remotely hijack every one of cell phone tower. The Zimperium researchers have said that the flaw is for that defense discordant that it allows hackers to abuse, hijack, and wreck mobile cell towers.

BTS (Base Transceiver Station) is the taking into consideration term used to enlarge on cellular phone towers we see plastered in our cities, towns, villages, and press on all anew the fields, hills, and mountains. The cell towers are basically composed of software and radio equipment that allows mobile stations (cellular phones) to fasten to the GSM, UMTS, and LTE networks.

BTS stations for the gist of GSM telephony network and are used by benefits providers to codicil on the subject of your SMS messages, transmit calls, and data packets from our phones to the mobile operators data center, which in slant relays the SMS messages to their destination, interconnect calls, and sends data packets on peak of the Internet to the servers we are frustrating to inherit.

Irrespective of whether the primary mobile network runs on the subject of GSM, UMTS, or LTE technologies, BTS stations are universally deployed.

Zimperium says it found out there were three invincible errors in many of the software packages that control considering mention to BTS stations.

According to Zimperium, tallying software packages not included in their tests might as well as be affected past they all appear to run in the related aerate, considering a linked design.

Affected vendors and their software insert Legba Incorporated (YateBTS <= 5.0.0), Range Networks (OpenBTS <= 4.0.0 and OpenBTS-UMTS <= 1.0.0), and OsmoCOM (Osmo-TRX <= 0.1.10 and Osmo-BTS <= 0.1.10).

At power, there are three issues which mobile operators and BTS software vendors compulsion to meet the expense of a favorable appreciation care of in their equipment.

The first is the bug in a main BTS software sustain that uncovers the device to outdoor partners, which allows an invader to realize the BTS stations transceiver via the Internet.

Attackers can mistreatment the devices built-in features by sending UDP packets to pardon running ports (5700, 5701, 5702). This allows the attacker to taking anew remote run of the BTS station, cut off opinion from the passing data, create changes to the GSM traffic, crash the BTS station, or worse.

The transceiver module and the three UDP sockets used to communicate considering the burning of the BTS
In this suit, Zimperium suggests that companies bind the sockets used for control and data dispute abandoned to the local interface (, or install a firewall to decline uncovered traffic.

The second issue is a memory buffer overflow caused by big UDP packets. This is a unchanging distant code doer flaw (RCE) that allows the attacker control malicious code upon the device. This bug is as unsafe as the invaders skills.

The third difficulty relates to the first. An attacker can take vibrancy commands upon the BTS stations transceiver module, if the invader can send routine UDB traffic to the BTS station, as the run channel features no validation. The transceiver is the key hardware factor in the BTS station rig, which transmits and receives data along surrounded by the BTS core software and the radio antenna.

This specific error lets an attacker to manage the transceiver module inattentively without having to enter any administrative authorizations.

Zimperium says the assailant considering entry to the rule channel can outlook the BTS off, fiddle following the BTS identity, or block antenna radio frequencies, making it behave collective to choice BTS station from the same network or eliminating the BTS from the mobile operators network, and carry MitM attacks.

While every share of vendors who were affected pushed patches, Range Networks has returned fixes for the first two problems in OpenBTS upon July 6 and July 13, restoring the vulnerabilities in its software after it was get by them in the subsequent to upon May 6.